roses gerberas and carnations in a basket

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Small: 5 peach roses 6 red gerberas Pink carnations Greens Basket Basic: 7 peach roses 10 red gerberas Pink carnations Greens Basket Large: 9 peach roses 14 red gerberas Pink carnations Greens Basket

Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.

Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.

'Chianti' - A basket arrangement of carnations, roses, and gerberas with delivery

The captivating beauty of this sophisticated arrangement of peach roses, red carnation and red gerberas with green fillers in a wicker basket will be an outstanding present!

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Buy a basket arrangement of carnations, roses, and gerberas

If you are ordering flower delivery to the home of a family member or a close friend, we recommend checking out basket arrangements. This wicker design element transforms a beautiful flower bouquet into a soulful gift and automatically tells where to put it. We fill our baskets with floral foam that absorbs water and prolongs the freshness of the plants.

The arrangement is assembled in warm colors, consisting of red, pink, and peach-orange buds, thus allowing you to order carnations, roses, and gerberas in the most friendly design dear to heart. The size ranges from 11 to 23 flowers in the arrangement, depending on which of the three options you choose on the item page.

Try the "Utopia" basket of carnations and chrysanthemums if you are seeking the most affordable options. That item proves that even an inexpensive gift surely can look spectacular and elegant. For the opposite situation, where you are ready to spend extra money on a more solid bouquet, a summer-style basket with roses and sunflowers would be just perfect.

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