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Small: White chrysanthemums - 6 Red carnations - 3 Waxflower Salal Basket Bow Basic: White chrysanthemums - 9 Red carnations - 6 Waxflower Salal Basket Bow Large: White chrysanthemums - 15 Red carnations - 10 Waxflower Salal Basket Bow
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a basket arrangement of carnations and chrysanthemums
If you plan to buy carnations with delivery, try to choose the most stylish and effective design option — to your taste, of course. The carnation's beauty dramatically increases when being part of a chic flower bouquet, and the contrast basket arrangement called "Utopia" clearly confirms this.
Whichever of the three sizes you prefer, the arrangement would definitely include fresh greens and a lush bow of a bright red hue so that even a small version can serve as a worthy gift. At the same time, carnations and chrysanthemums are very popular worldwide and are almost always present in the florists' current range. Therefore, the product can be quickly assembled and is suitable for same-day flower delivery.
An alternative basket of carnations and roses is made in softer peach-red tones, and gerberas are here instead of alstroemerias. A basket of lilies and roses retains original red and white tones but does not have a bow. Please note that the arrangement may be assembled in a basket of a slightly different shape or color, depending on current availability.
Customer Testimonials
View AllThank you very much for the wonderful service and selection of gifts. I often use the Cyber Florist company for orders to Russia, and all of the arrangements that I have every ordered have always been delivered on time and looked exactly as described. The communication with the team has also been very good. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone!
Thank you very much! The order was delivered on time! All fruits are fresh! The surprise worked! Thanks again for your services!
Hello good morning! just received a message from her, and she is extremely happy with the flowers she got! Thank you very much for this :) Indeed, such a nice service!!!!!
I am so thrilled! She messaged me with more excitement than I've ever heard! Needless to say, I will be using your service for many times to come!!
I live in Colombia and bought a gift for a friend of mine in Russia, although I was a little scared of using my credit card, I did it and was surprised by the good service and punctuality of the company. I received all the notifications and the picture of my friend with the gift. Thank you so much guys for your excellent service and I will recommend you and will use you in the future again, no doubt about it!
Today I sent my wife in Bishkek flowers and champagne and chocolates ...I wish to thank you on all your excellent service .. your service is the best I have encountered regards
The service was just exceptional, flowers were amazing and I was able with help of cyber florist to make a nice surprise for my mother on her birthday. I have never experienced such a great service. Certainly will come back for your services and will promote your actively in my inner circle.
Dear Slava, You did your job perfectly and I appreciate it! see below: >Darling thank you very much >The flowers are so beautiful, so tender, so gorgeous >This is the best bouquet 💐 in my life >Now I am happy darling, now I am very happy 💕💕💕💕❤️
Ordered birthday flowers, sparkling wine,chocolates & cake only to have the cake not delivered which is very disappointing
You guys did a bang up job, you get my vote for best florist, thank you so much for your help with my delivery to Russiayou were very responsive when out of your way to call me, and check the details in a very satisfied customer thanks Kree you can post my comments