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Small: Yellow, white, pink spray chrysanthemums - 6 Pink carnations - 5 Wrapping Basic: Yellow, white, pink spray chrysanthemums - 11 Pink carnations - 6 Wrapping Large: Yellow, white, pink spray chrysanthemums - 15 Pink carnations - 10 Wrapping
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a bouquet of carnations and spray chrysanthemums
Cheap flower bouquets can be big and spectacular as well! Here is an excellent offer that allows you to order carnations combined with colorful chrysanthemums in large amounts at an affordable price.
Its colorful and homely cute appearance immediately sets one up for a friendly mood. Therefore, the gift is best to be sent to close relatives and best friends; both in the form of congratulations on the holiday, and as a regular home flower delivery with absolutely no cause.
If you have additional resources, the gift can be expanded by adding nice options such as chocolates or cake, teddy bear or stuffed doggy, as well as a bunch of balloons. Finally you can choose to arrange the bouquet in a glass vase!
A more suitable but no less economical option for a romantic occasion would be a bouquet of carnations and roses in soft pink tones. In case if you are really tight on money, simply choose flowers with absolutely no add-ons - this way you can buy mixed color carnations for a super low amount.
Cyber Florist values and respects each client equally, no matter what his order budget is. We are always glad to help you with any questions or difficulties, just contact our 24/7 support line!
Customer Testimonials
View AllThanks you guys. I really appreciate it. I really recommend everyone to sick their help when u want a good job to be done. They care about their customers and they know what they do. They did my delivery on the same day. My dad was more than happy. Thanks thanks thanks. I will look forward to work with you again 👌👏
I received a photo of the flower bouquet you delivered to Nataliya. It looks great and Nataliya was very pleased with it. I want to thank you for the good job you did and for the good result.
Thanks a lot for Cyber Florist team! Great professional service! I ordered food basket from NY to Moscow. Next day delivery, reasonable price for such a good fresh food! Will recommend to my friends and will use it for myself.Great customer service! Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much for your service, I will definitely be using it again. Have a very good day.
I have been dealing with Cyber-florist for over 3 years now to provide flowers to a foreign country in which I don't speak the language. I have always appreciated their commitment to their customers, their communication, and their willingness to do custom orders. My last order delivered by the local florist was unacceptable. The flowers were the wrong color and not fresh. Cyber-florist made it right! They had the florist deliver a new bouquet, and my girl was thrilled with the new, still blossoming flowers! Another success story for Cyber-florist! Thanks to the whole team!
Exceptional service I am very pleased and so is my father I would highly recommend your webside to all my friends
Many thanks you have done an excellent job with this order, Imwould recommend your services to anyone, again thank you !
Fantastic service! It's always difficult to order flowers for delivery in a different country, even more so when there's a language barrier. I always try to find a local seller and buy direct, but in this instance it was too complicated, both with language issues, and payment options used in Peru that aren't common in Canada. I trusted Cyber Florist to bridge that gap, partnering with a local provider to complete the transaction. The arrangement was delivered the same day I ordered it, and looked wonderful. The personal touch by Cyber Florist of requiring me to confirm by phone the details of my order since it was my first transaction was an unexpected, but reassuring, touch. I received the phone call within minutes of placing the online order. Thank you for making my order of sympathy flowers a stress-free experience. I will definitely be recommending you to any friends who need to buy overseas flowers!
What a great service this company provides!!! Just amazing. I had 51 roses, Champaign, balloons, cake and chocolates delivered to my parents for their anniversary in Russia. Everything was fresh and “top notch “. Delivered on time as it was advised prior. I have used this company 3 times by now and will definitely continue doing so!!!
Cyber-florist thank you so much... Great service. Its my first order and i am so happy i made this transaction with you... This is a very important occasion for my beloved and you made our day.. Perfect flowers exactly like on the webpage... The toy is very cute.. Kudos for your team.. Keep up the good work.. Looking forward for another order... I love you guys...