bouquet of roses and carnations

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Pink roses Pink or white spray carnations Baby's breath Robellini Bow

Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.

Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.

"Pink Pearl" - a bouquet of pink roses with spray carnations and delivery

Elegant combination of pink roses and white carnations makes it easy to share beautiful moments with those who you care about.

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Buy a bouquet of Pink Roses and Spray Carnations

Roses and carnations rarely meet in one bouquet, but nevertheless, they can make a wonderful duo. The brightness of pink buds is slightly tinted by a delicate shade of carnations, and the composition as a whole is tastefully "seasoned" with inflorescences of white Baby's Breath and textured green leaves, which creates an elegant and romantic appearance at the same time.

This gift would become your ideal message if you prefer a discreet and moderate approach. On the contrary, if you are looking for ways to express burning passion and wild feelings, a better choice would be high contrast bouquets of carnations (with the addition of other flowers). A bouquet of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums immediately attracts all attention with its spectacular red, white and green color combo, and this bouquet of red and white carnations could be a cheaper but still a very stylish alternative.

Please keep in mind that you may always order flowers with adding a vase and/or other options: balloons, stuffed plush toys, chocolates, etc. In many cities of Russia and former USSR countries 24x7 flower delivery may be available, please check with our staff when placing an order!

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