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Pink roses - 4 Pink carnations - 11 White spray chrysanthemums - 4 Fern Greens Basket Bottle of sparkling wine
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a basket of carnations, roses and chrysanthemums with sparkling wine
A wonderful arrangement that would tell about your heart feelings literally at first glance, and its refined white-pink color gamma would allow you to make it in a humble and delicate way. This undoubtedly beautiful flower bouquet doesn't shout about burning passion - rather, it tenderly whispers the words of love.
The included bottle of sparkling wine would come in handy if you make an order for a birthday, anniversary or other holiday. Keep in mind that alcohol can only be ordered for an adult recipient, and the minimum age varies from country to country. If you doubt about that — just contact our support service: Cyber Florist has been working with international flower delivery for over 10 years, and one of our administrators can quickly tell you the terms of alcoholic deliveries in a particular country anytime.
This is a bouquet of carnations, roses and chrysanthemums added in approximately equal amounts. Fern leaves and other numerous, various greens complete its romantic and neat look. Just one size is available but if you wish to add anything, there are several options: a box of chocolates, balloons, a stuffed animal (a bear or a dog) and a cake.
If feelings really overwhelm you, their best expression would be a flaming bright round bouquet of red roses and pink carnations. And for those who are looking for a gift with sparkling wine but more affordable, we recommend a small gift set of roses and chrysanthemums that includes the wine and a box of chocolates.
Send your love messages all over the world with the "Cyber Florist" delivery service, we wish you good luck in the romance department!
Customer Testimonials
View AllI have used this company like 7 times for past 5 months, there always spot on, with question and concerns and the product always so fresh and make my special lady very happy 😃 thank u very much cyber-florist : )
Hi, Thanks for your great service! Regards,
I have an account with you and used your service for the first time recently. I am here to say I AM VERY PLEASED! Your delivery was on time, the flowers and vase were very beautiful (my lady was VERY impressed) and everything was wonderful. Thank you. I will be sure to use your service again. :-)
Great service... ill book with uall again..
Thank you so much for this! I appreciate. I Wish you prosper business!
Thanks for the service and attention. Flowers were beautiful and She loved them!. Also thanks for helping me with the request and also with the delivery and congratulations, I'll definetely will continue using your services. Please feel free to send me news about your site. I will recomend you!.
Very reliable and trusted! It's my first time ordering here for Mother's birthday all the way to Spain (countryside area) and it arrived perfectly! Will definitely order again for other occasions. Thanks cyber-florist team!
Thank you very much for the update and prompt delivery. Flowers look lovely! & so do the gifts. Enjoy your day.
I have been dealing with Cyber-florist for over 3 years now to provide flowers to a foreign country in which I don't speak the language. I have always appreciated their commitment to their customers, their communication, and their willingness to do custom orders. My last order delivered by the local florist was unacceptable. The flowers were the wrong color and not fresh. Cyber-florist made it right! They had the florist deliver a new bouquet, and my girl was thrilled with the new, still blossoming flowers! Another success story for Cyber-florist! Thanks to the whole team!
Best international flower delivery service I’ve ever used. The customer service was beyond excellent. They were always quick to respond and very polite and informative regardless of the time of day. I have absolutely no complaints. Even through a pandemic I was able to send gorgeous flowers to my loved ones located in a very rural town in a different country. Well worthy every penny. Cyber-florist will be my to go to website for flower delivery every time now. I 100% recommend. Thank you so much Cyber-Florist!