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Roses of various colors
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a bouquet of mixed color roses
In floristics different colors have their own meanings. A gorgeous flower bouquet in bright red would help to confess your love and express a burning passion. A yellow composition would convey warm wishes for good and well-being to friends and family. White flowers delivery would tell about the purity and sincerity of your thoughts. But what to do if you wish to tell many things at once?
It's simple - in this case, order a variegated gift! After all, a bouquet of delicate roses of different shades not only holds multiple meanings at once but also looks very advantageous and impressive if compared with any of its single-tone counterparts. The composition includes red, pink, yellow and white colors, and you pick the number of buds yourself, choosing from three options: 25, 37 or even 51!
Our collection has even more chic and diverse floral sets. For example, take a look at a very beautiful bouquet of roses, gerberas and viburnums called "Charm". Multiple shades are complemented by a mix of different flower types here, thus making the gift truly versatile. And if you want to present something no less stunning but more unusual, we recommend a bouquet of blue and white roses named "Magic" — a real magnet for any recipient's looks.
Customer Testimonials
View AllThank You again for a job well done. Olga loved the arrangement. i will be in touch with you again in January. Olga has a birthday and it will be 10 years that we have been together on 20 January. Thank You again. she was very surprised and happy.
Thank you very much for outstanding and customer oriented service
Thank you for delivering promptly and on time. I will surely use your service in the future again
I am very impressed. Last night, I ordered flowers for my cousins in Poland who just lost their mother and grandmother. I requested that the flowers be delivered the next day. Not only were the flowers delivered as promised, but they were also of great quality. My cousins sent me a picture of the bouquet, and it was gorgeous. Thank you!
Thanks for a job well done. I was very pleased and will order through you again in the future. Sincerely,
I have used this company like 7 times for past 5 months, there always spot on, with question and concerns and the product always so fresh and make my special lady very happy 😃 thank u very much cyber-florist : )
The service was just exceptional, flowers were amazing and I was able with help of cyber florist to make a nice surprise for my mother on her birthday. I have never experienced such a great service. Certainly will come back for your services and will promote your actively in my inner circle.
Great service... ill book with uall again..
Thank you guys,she loved the roses and chocolate 👍
I sent red roses to my wife in Moscow, Russia for her birthday and they were delivered exactly when required. I'm very impressed! The delivery guy called my wife to confirm delivery information and the flowers looked GREAT! I will definitely use this service again. 5 Stars!