bouquet of orange roses and lilies

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Orange roses White lilies Bergrass Asparagus umbelatus Baby's breath Aspidistra Fern Robellini

Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.

Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.

"Grace" - Bouquet of orange roses and white lilies with delivery

Very bright and stylish bouquet of orange roses and white lilies will make a perfect gift for anyone.

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Buy a bouquet of orange roses and white lilies

A stylish bouquet of orange roses and white lilies, decorated with different types of greenery, is ideal as a gift for a lady.

Emphasize the elegance of your beloved one by sending her this beautiful, bright, and discreet bouquet in regular or large size.

You can send the Grace bouquet as well as any other lily arrangements anywhere in the world with Cyber ​​Florist. To do that just place your order online using our website and we will arrange and deliver the bouquet of roses and lilies to the address you entered on the day you specify.

If you are looking for the same flowers but in a more classic color combination then we recommend this composition in red and white, which is made of high-quality roses and lilies as well. And for your straightforward love declaration we have a special white-pink heart-shaped arrangement..

For paying a little extra you can get a glass vase for this bouquet.

All the other add-ons are available as well. A box of chocolates, a cake, a stuffed toy, or a bunch of balloons, — choose between them or add them all at once. These options can be added if you wish to order flowers of any kind, just place an order on our website.

Ordering with Cyber ​​Florist would be as easy as on any typical online store. Contact our 24/7 support if you have any difficulties or questions with our worldwide flower delivery service.

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