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Small: White chrysanthemums - 3 Green spray chrysanthemums - 3 Pink carnations - 5 Fern Basic: White chrysanthemums - 5 Green spray chrysanthemums - 5 Pink carnations - 9 Fern Large: White chrysanthemums - 7 Green spray chrysanthemums - 7 Pink carnations - 13 Fern
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a bouquet of carnations and chrysanthemums with greens
A gift, sharing springtime mood, but available all year round! Its combination of delicate shades of pink, white and green tells it would be a great flower bouquet for a girlfriend, sister, mother or grandmother. The arrangement may contain 9, 15 or 21 stems - just pick the size you need.
Soft fern leaves are used as greenery here and for a small surcharge, the flowers can be arranged in a glass vase. Other add-ons traditionally offered by our flower delivery service are a box of chocolates, a teddy bear or puppy, a bunch of 5 balloons or a fresh cake. So if you are worried that just buying carnations with delivery would not be enough for a solid gift, include one of the above options or several at once!
A similar bouquet of carnations, roses and chrysanthemums done in the same style looks a little more passionate due to bright red color spots addition. And, on the contrary, a bright yellow bouquet of lilies, chrysanthemums, gerberas, callas and tulips has a more relaxed and friendly look. So choose the first one for your loved one and the second one for family and friends.
Cyber Florist is ready to help you with the delivery of any flower kinds. If you have not found anything relevant in our catalog, send us a custom order request and we will check the possibility of any gift delivery anywhere in the world for you.
Customer Testimonials
View AllOrdered birthday flowers, sparkling wine,chocolates & cake only to have the cake not delivered which is very disappointing
What a great service this company provides!!! Just amazing. I had 51 roses, Champaign, balloons, cake and chocolates delivered to my parents for their anniversary in Russia. Everything was fresh and “top notch “. Delivered on time as it was advised prior. I have used this company 3 times by now and will definitely continue doing so!!!
You guys did a bang up job, you get my vote for best florist, thank you so much for your help with my delivery to Russiayou were very responsive when out of your way to call me, and check the details in a very satisfied customer thanks Kree you can post my comments
Hi, Thanks for your great service! Regards,
Wow-what a great service, Thank you so much, it only took a couple of hours and my gift was delivered and much appreciated. I won't hesitate to use your service again.
I used this site to order flowers for someone I care deeply about in Russia that is in a hospital, and it was the EASIEST process ever. After calling the 888 number a few times for guidance and speaking to a polite Russian man that spoke English, I ordered the 'Fancy' basket at 1421 CST yesterday, May 26. (I had to use an emailed link to pay instead of directly through the website, so don't be hesitant if this is what you also have to do. The man said it's because my credit card is with an American company.) The basket was delivered at 0905 this morning, May 27! I am SO PLEASED with the service, speed, and cost of this service. I will 100% use them again. I am so glad I took a chance and used this website. Now that I know it's legitimate, I may even do one of the more expensive options next time. May God bless you all, and thank you again!
Thank You again for a job well done. Olga loved the arrangement. i will be in touch with you again in January. Olga has a birthday and it will be 10 years that we have been together on 20 January. Thank You again. she was very surprised and happy.
Many thanks you have done an excellent job with this order, Imwould recommend your services to anyone, again thank you !
Thank you! You re amazing guys! Just conquered a new costumer here! Sure i ll request your services from now on... just need to look to my princess smile:))))) Best regards
Thank you, everyone, for all your help! This was a great experience getting flowers and having all my question answered plus little request met. Thank you again!!