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Red roses in a basket Teddy-bear
Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.
Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.
Buy a basket of red roses with a teddy bear
A gift telling about your feelings the cutest way. Planning to buy a bouquet of flowers? Consider adding a plush bear and your present would immediately become much more welcoming and sincere.
There are four sizes to choose from: 7, 11, 15, or as many as 25 stems. Unlike other sets, the basket is already included in the price (even for the smallest, cheapest version!) so this bouquet of red roses is guaranteed to be brought beautifully decorated.
Feel free to select add-ons of your choice including a stuffed dog, a box of chocolates, balloons, or a cake. If that's not enough you can add a tin box of imported cookies to the set but the roses with a teddy bear and cookies item is a standalone one in our catalog so please proceed to its page to order.
Would you prefer adding other flowers to the basket instead of the sweet stuff? A summer arrangement of roses and chrysanthemums would help you out! And we are always ready to help you out via 24x7 online support in case if you have any questions or face any difficulties with our worldwide flower delivery service.
Customer Testimonials
Thanks a lot for Cyber Florist team! Great professional service! I ordered food basket from NY to Moscow. Next day delivery, reasonable price for such a good fresh food! Will recommend to my friends and will use it for myself.Great customer service! Thanks a lot!
Thank you! You re amazing guys! Just conquered a new costumer here! Sure i ll request your services from now on... just need to look to my princess smile:))))) Best regards
I have used this company like 7 times for past 5 months, there always spot on, with question and concerns and the product always so fresh and make my special lady very happy 😃 thank u very much cyber-florist : )
Hello good morning! just received a message from her, and she is extremely happy with the flowers she got! Thank you very much for this :) Indeed, such a nice service!!!!!
This company is so amazing they delivered roses the next day from the us to finland and forget the chocolate box so i contacted them and the next day they delivered it with a apology and extra roses. Great service and fast , i will definitely be using this to every holiday or birthday there is.
I have been dealing with Cyber-florist for over 3 years now to provide flowers to a foreign country in which I don't speak the language. I have always appreciated their commitment to their customers, their communication, and their willingness to do custom orders. My last order delivered by the local florist was unacceptable. The flowers were the wrong color and not fresh. Cyber-florist made it right! They had the florist deliver a new bouquet, and my girl was thrilled with the new, still blossoming flowers! Another success story for Cyber-florist! Thanks to the whole team!
Thank you very much for outstanding and customer oriented service
Thank you for your wonderful service and promt delivery I give you a 5 star rating..
I am so thrilled! She messaged me with more excitement than I've ever heard! Needless to say, I will be using your service for many times to come!!