funeral bouquet of carnations

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10 carnations Baby's breath Greens Black ribbon

Standard delivery time is 1 day. We guarantee same-day delivery if the order is placed and paid before 12pm local recipient's time.

Depending on the time of year, the availability of certain sorts of flowers in different regions may be reduced. Additionally, flowers of certain shades may be unavailable on the delivery date. Thus the delivery of an arrangement quite identical to the one shown on the web-site may be impossible. In this case our local florists will deliver a similar or a higher value arrangement. We do our best to keep the original shape, size and color range of requested bouquet, however some deviations are allowed to occur.

A condolence bouquet of red carnations and black ribbon with delivery

Convey your sorrow and condolences with this funeral bouquet of flowers to your loved ones and relatives.

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Buy a condolence bouquet of red carnations and black ribbon

Unfortunately, home flower delivery is not always triggered by a joyful event. Cyber Florist is ready to help in your sorrowful times of loss. Ten carnations tied with a black bow would be brought to a funeral, a memorial event or simply personally handed over to your bereaved friend. Thus, you can express your condolences, sympathy, as well as convey your farewell words in a note or on a beautiful card even from far away - anywhere in the world.

If the order is intended for a ceremony, then we recommend adding a vase so that your funeral bouquet, unlike the hero of the occasion, would surely stay alive and stand for more than one day looking fresh and neat.

This is the most affordable item in its category so if you consider it too modest and small take a look at the other two: the farewell bouquet made of red roses in classic design — and the more unusual funeral bouquet of gerberas and irises.

We are ready to help you share your sorrow and sad feelings just like we help you share the joy — we deliver the funeral flowers politely, carefully and on time. Call Cyber Florist support or write via website chat if you have any questions or other issues.

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