bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums

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Roses - 5 Chrysanthemums - 3 Eryngiums - 3 Orchid - 1 Matthiola - 1 Greenery Wrapping Ribbon

'Glamor' - Luxurious bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums

The combination of several shades of pink in this bouquet makes it incredibly romantic and attractive.

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Additional options:

$15.00 US


Total Amount: $69.00 US

Extra Gifts:

  • Chocolate box

    A chocolate box is a great gift for everyone who likes good chocolate

  • Small teddy bear

    A teddy-bear is a perfect romantic addition to your gift! The toy is about 8-10 inches tall

  • Small stuffed doggy

    A stuffed plush doggy will help to express your warmest feelings. The toy is about 8-10 inches tall

  • 5 balloons

    Nice latex balloons will be apropriate for any holiday! There are 5 balloons included

  • Bottle of sparkling wine

    A bottle of nice local sparkling wine will definitely add some sparkle to your gift

  • Cake

    A fresh bisquit cake for any occasion.


Total Amount: $69.00 US

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