Time To Smile – Bouquet Of Chrysanthemums
New summer arrangement with single-stem chrysanthemums, carnations and spray roses in our catalog on Cyber-Florist.com

Today we are going to tell you about a bouquet with yellow and green chrysanthemums called “Time to smile”. It is another new addition to our catalog – bright and colorful arrangement made of carnations, spray roses of bright colors and some greens apart from yellow and green spray chrysanthemums.

It’s a large, lush arrangement that is good as a gift for emotional and cheerful person. This bouquet is made with many types of flowers and it is going to stay fresh for a long time – you only need to change the water in the vase regularly. Chrysanthemums and carnations are incredibly resilient flowers, that’s why when the arrangement is made with fresh flowers it stays with the recipient longer. That is the reason why we only use fresh flowers in our arrangements.

This arrangement with chrysanthemums can be delivered to any city around the world. The standard time of delivery is 1 day. However you can place your order in advance and select the date of delivery (even if it’s in a month or more). We guarantee same day delivery if you place your order before noon local time at the city of delivery.

How do you make a beautiful bouquet with chrysanthemums, roses and carnations?
As usual, we present you with a quick but useful instruction on how to make this arrangement with chrysanthemums, roses and carnations yourself – just like in the picture.
Today we will make a fun summer arrangement with single-stem chrysanthemums, carnations and spray roses. This arrangement is equally visible from all sides and has a simple, logical structure. It looks interesting and cheerful thanks to the combination of summer flowers and fluffy texture.

A large chrysanthemum serves as a centerpiece framed by three branches of decorative pistachio, ruskus, and three Greenpeace chrysanthemums. Then you add three orange roses, four yellow single stem chrysanthemums and five carnations between chrysanthemums and ruskus.

Arrange the flowers as high as possible so their shape reminds of a tight fluffy ball. Add more decorative pistachio on the sides, and finish the arrangement with colorful wrapping paper and a purple band. Our arrangement is ready!

You can order this bouquet in a vase or add an extra gift like a box of chocolates, stuffed toy, latex balloons or a cake – that’s going to make the delivery even more special for your recipient.
We would like to remind you that Cyber Florist delivers many types of gifts beside flowers – fruit arrangements, fruit baskets, gourmet baskets, candy arrangements, and much more.
If you have any difficulties while placing your order or you don’t know which arrangement to choose – contact our customer service via online chat, (+1)703.651.2257 phone or any other way that is convenient to you. We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for you.
Cyber Florist has delivered flowers and gifts all over the world for more than 20 years. Trust us to relay the congratulations to your relatives and loved ones!